Thursday, March 16, 2006

BlogExplosion - Rockphiles blog

BlogExplosion - Rockphiles blog
Here's an interesting site for those of you who want to know what the world of rock is up to. One article that caught my eye is ... get this ... some psychics are going to try to speak to John Lennon from beyond the grave. They are "hoping" John will give them some musical notes and words to make a new song (which will then be flown to a composer for arranging). Hmmm. Sounds like someone just found another great way to make quick cash. Look out psychic hotlines!

1 comment:

Kelly Klages said...

Egh! That's just wrong! Were he alive, he'd be the first person scorning the ridiculousness of the whole concept... Have you noticed how much of a mystical association fans seem to have for John Lennon? I'm having flashbacks to a scene from the Imagine documentary, where he found some random hippy guy who had been living on his garden property. This guy seemed to think that John's songs (sometimes he mistook some of Paul's contributions for John's, even) as personal, mystical messages meant specifically for him? I guess that all great communicators tend to have these nutters hanging about, but Lennon sure attracts an abnormally large share. Dom Monaghan of Lord of the Rings fame views John in an almost "guardian angel" sense, someone who watches over him and comes to him in visions or dreams at night. ???