Monday, March 13, 2006


The Sunday Intellectual Question finally got around to my favourite topic: Sleep. If you look at the comments my friend Kim says “I can't believe it has taken YOU so long to ask this all-encompassing question...” Ah, yes. Kim is probably referring to my sleep obsession. "I'm so tired" I complained to her the other day. "You've always been tired." she said. It's true! Sleep is my solution to almost every problem. I walk, talk and eat sleep. When I’m asleep, I dream of sleeping. Rip Van Winkle’s story sounds like an ideal, yet unattainable vacation. Especially since I’ve had kids. I know a lady who fell asleep during a root canal, all because she hadn’t had a proper sleep “since the baby.” Never mind that the baby was 32 and living in Vegas. Come to think of it that’s probably why she wasn’t sleeping.

Anyway, my solutions are as follows: Sick? Sleep it off. Yucky hair? Close my eyes. Bad day? Go to bed!

"Look!" I say to my body when I awake,"It's a fresh new day. Ignore the bright sunshine and pretend that it's morning." (My brain is much smarter than my body: reference, the post I walked into in grade eight) Nine out of ten times it seems to work. I have yet to try it for opening sticky lids or snow removal, but I’ll let you know. Sleep is not highly recommended for any traffic problems or most emergency situations but I believe it would work wonders for going into labour. I realise this is not everyone’s choice solution, some use proper diet, exercise or buying ridiculously expensive shoes … just to look at … but sleep seems to work for me. My children will probably cringe when their old and dottering mother calls them from the nursing home, "Did you get some sleep dear? Your gamey leg will clear right up."


Kelly Klages said...

MY question is, how can I get myself back onto a proper sleep schedule? I've tried various things (save actual sleep medication) and nothing seems to be working.

Anonymous said...

Children... they will bring your need for sleep DESPERATELY to attention. With Jocelyn we started to get hints that we needed to reorganise our need for solid sleep. When Sean came along, we got to realise this a little more clearly, especially since he is the early riser! Now with twins... well, life is just one big desire for more sleep!!!

Children... children is the answer!!!

Cara said...

I had a hard time in during my first few years of marriage sleeping. We moved a lot so I think there were all kinds of changes, all the time. A friend of mine had a few suggestions that seemed to work so I'll offer them. She said to pick the same time to go to bed and the same time to get up in the morning and stick to it strictly for a week or two. Even if you can't sleep right away your body will likely adjust. You can always goof around with your schedule after but your schedule may help. I often can't sleep because I'm thinking about too many things. Alright, I'm worried about to many things ... what can I say. So my trick is to write down everything that I can think of that is even remotely bothering me: Chores I need to do, people I need to talk to, things I'm worried about and place it safely beside my bed and say "there, no need to worry, all those things I need to remember are right there. I can look at them tomorrow." It works for most things. I also highly recommend praying about it. It makes me much happier to know that someone other than me has everything under control!